viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

idle processor utilization

Earn Money With Idle Processor Utilization
Great Release September 06, 2013, without purchasing totally free trial 

Earn money with your PC turned on, while you do anything great opportunity for users of PTC

What We Do -

Idle Processor Utilization Services, LLC, purchases unused/idle computer processing power at a fair price, then re-packages it and sells it at a profit. 100% of profits are distributed to our Members, which include all Division Managers. It is our goal to distribute the ownership of Idle Processor Utilization Services, LLC, to ANY Member who wishes to invest time, money, and energy into this project. This is not altruism - this is fair compensation for hard work, planning, and execution.

What YOU Do -

You EARN MONEY by simply leaving your computer on. No purchase is necessary at all to earn money. Simply Register (below), and download the process software (Available 9/1). That is it.

Of course, you can multiply your earnings if you wish, although doing so is not required. You may build a referral list (you make % of referrals), you may upgrade your membership, you may build (or buy) a downline, install more computers, etc. The possibilities - and the earnings - are endless. What you earn is completely up to you!


Account Types


For Running a process you pay: 0.1 hasta $ 2 a day.
by Your First Level Referral: 1%
by Your Second Level Referrals: 0%
For Your Third Level of Referrals: 0%
Referred By Having a Divisional: $ 1
Buy more Connections Power: Not Available
Income LLC - Ownership: NO


For Running a process you pay: 0.1 hasta $ 2 a day.
by your first level Referral: 5%
by Your Second Level Referral: 1%
For Your Third Level of Referrals: 0%
Having a Divisional Referred By: $ 10
Buy more Connections Power: Not Available
Income LLC - Ownership: NO


For Running a process you pay: 0.1 hasta $ 2 a day.
by your first level of Referrals: 10%
by Your Second Level Referral: 5%
For Your Referrals Third level: 1%
Having a Divisional Referred By: $ 50
Buy more Power Connections: Available
Income LLC - Ownership: NO


NEW! Payment Verified We are pleased to report that we have PayPal, EgoPay, OKPAY, Western Union, and Green Dot Confirmed, tested and ready to payins and payments. This should meet the needs of anyone paying more! Speaking of payments, we had our first payments today - although not teníaintención that payments for at least a few weeks. We are happy to announce that we had a number of members not only today, on request ycontinuará doing from now. Congratulations to John E. (IPU0190) who pulled down $ 1,630.00. Granted, it was his first payment, but very nice! Our website will be in time for the 15/8, with full hookups and reference management - you will be able to track and communicate with all your downline. Our next communication will be in regards to your downline, and how to manage / follow